Monday, March 16, 2009

Off with E.Collar

Finally my baby's E.Collar was removed last Saturday (by right should have been today but I just don't have the heart to see our boy suffering with the E.Collar.) I am sure AL-E felt liberated and happy when the E.Collar was off.

At the same time/day, AL-E was given a bath (the clinic did it). I didn't want to hurt him - just in case).

Check out the video... He seemed happy but a little bored. I suppose all washed up and smelling good but no where to go. I can't take him for walks on the beach for another week - doc's advise. So, we both have our games/activities inside the house which can get quite energetic and exciting...AL-E's darn active when it comes to throw and catch ball games.


  1. Al E does look so handsome with long hair and a little bored in this video, basking in the sun and enjoying the sea breeze.

  2. Yup, agreed. Our boy is sooooooo gorgeous.......He got 'jangut' now.

    The only way to counter you missing our boy is to talk to someone who loves dog too. Perhaps you can share stuff and it sure makes you feel a lot better. I used to do that in KL. I am sure you will have someone to talk to about dogs and you both can talk for hours.
