Thursday, August 20, 2009


It has been nearly seven years since the last time we saw each other. And that was during her wedding day. Boy, time just zooms..

Ms. RK was an acquaintance at work (during my banking days) and later became a friend.

After numerous calls & e-mails, we finally met this was a long afternoon cum early dinner. We talked and talked about work, holidays,gossips, family, travel plans, babies, in-laws, dogs (coincidentally we both own English Cocker Spaniels. Rachel has two beautiful English Cocker Spaniels. In terms of colour, both of her Spaniels are 'Blue Roan')etc. etc. etc.

The ambiance at 'The Apartment' was good as usual and so were the clams in white wine sauce!

It is sometimes so ironic and yet so amazing to be able to catch-up with an old friend after some many years and have a wonderful conversation and good time. It didn't seem like we are meeting after seven years but more like seven days ago...

Good friendship is to be cherished. We live in borrowed time and it is important to keep in touch with friends and nurture the friendship for we never know when it would be the last time.....

Note: Last year, I lost a dear friend. She died three weeks prior to our meet-up (we made so many plans to meet up but always had to be cancelled at the very last minute...Anyhow, I had mourned her and made peace with myself and have moved be better, to cherish and keep in touch with those that I care about.)

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