Saturday, May 16, 2009

3 birthdays and one going away party

Gosh, seems like ages since I had last done some write-up.

The holiday to Europe has been great. A wonderful adventure with hubby. Met some good people, made some friends and overall had a good time.

However, as usual one little set-back. I had piled on 7 kilos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The good news is that I had lost 2 kilos (Note: Must due to water-retention).
The rest 5 kilos will take lots of work which I am somewhat ready for.

Back to the party. Hubby cooked an excellent meal despite his jet-lag etc. etc. He made three unique starters and a main course. Pappa made one type of starter.

Cakes for Kupps and myself was specially made-for-order from Marriott hotel's bakery. AL-E's cake was specially flown from Harrods London (hubby hand-carried all the way from London).

Before I forget, this party is for 4 persons (including AL-E). It is for my birthday (2 days after), Kupps birthday (which is on the day the party was held i.e. May 15), AL-E B'day (one day after) and father-in-law's going away (going back to KL on Sunday).

Everything went well. The party was fun, good conversation and little AL-E made things merrier with his 'clowning' acts.

Enough said, I suppose the pictures speak a thousand words.

1 comment:

  1. It was a nice small party despite my jet lag, the food was reasonable as the chef hardly ever likes his food and it was nice for Al E to have some cake as well.
