Sunday, May 9, 2010


Dear Mommy,

Thank you for your kindness
Thank you for your compassion
Thank you for your caring
Thank you for your prayers
Thank you for feeding
Thank you for cooking
Thank you for teaching about the good, bad & ugly
AND above all
Thank you for your unconditional love & believing in me

Of all my crystals & jewellery pieces that I own, mommy dearest, you are the rarest gem in the world and no amount of wealth/money can replace you.

Happy mother's day.

Love, hugs and kisses


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. Absolutely lovely! I wish I'd had the chance to thank my mother for all the sacrifices she made for me, but she died long before I grew mature enough to realize and tell her. I'm a stay at home momnmy right now and whenever my son says thank you to me for the ordinary little things I do for him, it really makes my heart smile. I would do it all without a single thank you, but it's really wonderful to be appreciated. It's so nice that you wrote this for your mom.
